build your core values

As I read and listen to the news about all the things going on, it hurts my heart terribly. Why can’t it be better than it is? There has to be an answer that works for all concerned. I know the world changes, but things should always continue to be better, not worse.

I want to relate experiences I had when I was a little girl. I was probably about 6-7 years old221_0016 and lived in the city (Brooklyn, NY). There, I found myself busy with all my toys, friends, school and my parents. I played a lot alone, as I was the only child. All of my cousins were older than I was or didn’t live close by.  My friends and I had particular times when we could play outside. We would go by each other’s home, but mostly we played outdoors. I liked it. We had plenty of room to run around, play hide n’ go seek, ball, potsy (chalk boxes with numbers) that we play with a coin or something. The point was you had to go from #1 to #5 (or #8) without touching down with two feet. What great memories. I couldn’t pick up a phone and tell them (friends) to ask if they could come by. In fact, I didn’t use the telephone unless a relative called, and my parents told me to say ‘hello’.


So, this is a part of the life of this little girl. I hope it doesn’t sound like I didn’t enjoy my time as a little girl. I did, and I learned to play by myself; being Mommy, Daddy, Brother, Sister, Teacher and Friend (to myself J ) while I play house with my dolls. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my childhood. It was at special times that I had wished I had a sibling.

I liked the time when dinner was completed, dishes done and put away. My parents were ready to come outside and visit with our neighbors, as we children would go the two or three houses (farthest we could go) one way or the other to play. In others words, I could go play up to three doors away from where I lived. We had to be in a space where our parents could see us at all times. Whatever adults were outside would assume that they had permission to watch us and chastise us if we were doing anything that appeared beyond what our parents would have permitted. I do remember parents would call me or anyone else out, if they thought we were beyond where I was allowed to go, or do anything which I wouldn’t do if they (parents) weren’t right there watching me.


What am I getting at by telling you these things? Well, I heard something on the news today, and it talked about the relationship or lack thereof that people have with the police these days. I’ve thought about that a lot recently upon hearing so much stuff over the news. Our relationship with the police was great, because we knew them, and they knew us. Yes, they came in two’s and walked what they called ‘a beat’ (some of you may remember this). We knew their names, and they knew ours. Our parents knew them by name. They would greet us (children) and our parents. In fact, we’d see them coming from way down the block and would run to meet them. They would ask us how we were doing in school, explain to us the importance of listening to our parents, etc. It was nice. I think having that interaction made the police more human and not just a person in a uniform. They seemed really interested in us, and what we were doing in school, etc.  It was great days, and somehow we were reassured we were on the right track as our parents would encourage us to continue.

Sometimes, as I think back or watch the news today, I wonder what happen to the neighborhood. Oh, should I ask.. what is a neighborhood today? People come and go. We wave to one another, then we go inside our home and stay there until it’s time to come out again. On occasion, there might be a moment or two to visit. In some cases, people become friends.  ‘Suburbia’ is what we call outside of the city limits. We stay in our houses for the most part and mind our business.  In the city limits, there is energy. Kids running around, pets outside with the owners and neighbors visiting on the porch or in the yard. Basically, people moving about. It was a scene that was very active and lots going on. People were visiting together talking about the day’s events or catching up on what’s been happening with one another.


I miss that today. I see my neighbors from time to time. What about you? Do you visit or interact with your neighbors on a regular basis? I believe more people do that when they live in an inner city environment. My street is really nice, but most of the folks on this street do not know one another (I would assume). Even neighbors on one side of the street or the other generally wave and get in the car or stay in the house. There are rare times when you meet and spend quality time together. How does it work for you in your neighborhood? Children bring the grownups/adults together. No children, few connections.  It doesn’t exist. However, I am not saying every single neighborhood is exactly like this. I have talked with folks who talk, greet and are acquainted with people in their neighborhood. This doesn’t necessarily mean they go in and out of each other’s home at all. It just means the bonds are deeper.

Coming from an inner-city, you have no choice other than to speak. Speaking/walking with people to/from the train station, or others walking past your house will often smile and say ‘hello’. What a movement that would be here where I live. People are kind, but not very open. Most park their car, get out and head straight into the house. They stay there until they need to get in their car again and leave. I am very used to the drill now, so it doesn’t really bother me. What’s nice is seeing their face now and then, knowing that all is well, and spending more than a couple of minutes before running into the house. The children do so much better at this community ‘thing’ and personal people connection.


However, I have to run now. I’ve got to get in my car, run to the store and come back to my home space. See you and speak to you in a week or two, if there is anything worthwhile to say. Otherwise, I will post the next issue of interest that I feel may help me and others make changes in the way we communicate and view our fellow man/woman/child.


I wonder if there was a movement started where people who didn’t know one another would clearly want to meet one another. I would also like to see our policemen visit our neighborhoods just to say hello and all of us to say hello back. That would be great and lead to an open dialogue and knowledge of the people living in the city. I believe it also opens up the neighborhood to one another. We become aware who lives amongst us and be an example to other communities. Happy Talking!  It is really wonderful and gives the opportunity to see each other as people who have much to offer one another as human beings.

I hope this will start someplace, and I hope that our local police department will join us in meeting the people residing in the streets of our city. Happy Living! I, Rita wish you well, and hope that the information I’ve offered will be beneficial to you and your neighborhood.

rla image resources –


Soap Dreams…….what is that? People have pipe dreams, so I felt I could have soap dreams. 🙂 Have you ever had soap dreams? I bet if you haven’t, you may very well want to experience some soap dreams. :).

For me, it is truly soap dreams. It’s my thoughts about the next batch of soap I will make to use on my skin or sell to friends, relatives or others who are interested in using safe soaps on their body. Now, I would be exaggerating if I told you that I think about creating soap all the time. However, I can tell you I enjoy making it, trying out different blends and shapes. I couldn’t use store-bought store after I discovered the benefits of using our personalized soaps.


You may be wondering how I began with my soaps. The beginning of my special love of making soaps was to take care of my skin. I began to understand that not all commercial soaps were the best soaps, at least not for me. I only get this one go-round with the layer of skin I live with everyday. It’s like that for everyone, so it’s not something I do not think that others may think about from time to time. I’ve never made a better decision. I am so elated that I found this discovery of Natural Soaps with an organic feel to place onto my skin.

Imagine using a soap that really isn’t providing you the results you want to feel on your skin. Plus,  there are so many ingredients you cannot even pronounce or know what it is. Of course, I assume the same thing can occur when you are safe about the soaps you use daily. However, there is probably less of a chance, because there’s not so many ingredients that you couldn’t recognize.  When I make SAAAR-J Soaps(c) by Rita, I am delighted knowing that this product is a great soap that I, and others have used for a few years now. It is a natural soap, as I have stated, inclusive of ingredients that are safe for man, woman, boy or girl. I even wash my doggie with our soaps. Her hair is so soft after her bath. Using our soaps give my skin a wonderful, smooth and soft feeling. I can literally see a sheen on my skin. I am so excited to say that those that have used our soaps have been very pleased. They make great gifts.

Thank you for taking the time to read this short message about SAAAR-J Soaps by Rita.





I have been involved with making and using Natural Soaps for several years.  It gives me great pleasure to have created something that is better for my skin and hair. No more dry skin from ingredients that pull moisture from my skin. but a soap that keeps my skin soft and moist.



Soap Dreams…….what is that? People have pipe dreams, so I felt I could have soap dreams. 🙂 Have you ever had soap dreams? I bet if you haven’t, you may very well want to experience some soap dreams. :).

For me, it is truly soap dreams. It’s my thoughts about the next batch of soap I will make to use on my skin or sell to friends, relatives or others who are interested in using safe soaps on their body. Now, I would be exaggerating if I told you that I think about creating soap all the time. However, I can tell you I enjoy making it, trying out different blends and shapes. I couldn’t use store-bought store after I discovered the benefits of using our personalized soaps.


You may be wondering how I began with my soaps. The beginning of my special love of making soaps was to take care of my skin. I began to understand that not all commercial soaps were the best soaps, at least not for me. I only get this one go-round with the layer of skin I live with everyday. It’s like that for everyone, so it’s not something I do not think that others may think about from time to time. I’ve never made a better decision. I am so elated that I found this discovery of Natural Soaps with an organic feel to place onto my skin.

Imagine using a soap that really isn’t providing you the results you want to feel on your skin. Plus,  there are so many ingredients you cannot even pronounce or know what it is. Of course, I assume the same thing can occur when you are safe about the soaps you use daily. However, there is probably less of a chance, because there’s not so many ingredients that you couldn’t recognize.  When I make SAAAR-J Soaps(c) by Rita, I am delighted knowing that this product is a great soap that I, and others have used for a few years now. It is a natural soap, as I have stated, inclusive of ingredients that are safe for man, woman, boy or girl. I even wash my doggie with our soaps. Her hair is so soft after her bath. Using our soaps give my skin a wonderful, smooth and soft feeling. I can literally see a sheen on my skin. I am so excited to say that those that have used our soaps have been very pleased. They make great gifts.

Thank you for taking the time to read this short message about SAAAR-J Soaps by Rita.



Soap Dreams…….what is that? People have pipe dreams, so I felt I could have soap dreams. 🙂 Have you ever had soap dreams? I bet if you haven’t, you may very well want to experience some soap dreams. :).

For me, it is truly soap dreams. It’s my thoughts about the next batch of soap I will make to use on my skin or sell to friends, relatives or others who are interested in using safe soaps on their body. Now, I would be exaggerating if I told you that I think about creating soap all the time. However, I can tell you I enjoy making it, trying out different blends and shapes.


You may be wondering how I began with my soaps. The beginning of my special love of making soaps was to take care of my skin. I began to understand that not all commercial soaps were the best soaps, at least not for me. I only get this one go-round with the layer of skin I live with everyday. It’s like that for everyone, so it’s not something I do not think that others may think about from time to time. I’ve never made a better decision. I am so elated that I found this discovery of Natural Soaps with an organic feel to place onto my skin.

Imagine using a soap that really isn’t providing you the results you want to feel on your skin. Plus,  there are so many ingredients you cannot even pronounce or know what it is. Of course, I assume the same thing can occur when you are safe about the soaps you use daily. However, there is probably less of a chance, because there’s not so many ingredients that you couldn’t recognize.  When I make SAAAR-J Soaps(c) by Rita, I am delighted knowing that this product is a great soap that I, and others have used for a few years now. It is a natural soap, as I have stated, inclusive of ingredients that are safe for man, woman, boy or girl. I even wash my doggie with our soaps. Her hair is so soft after her bath. Using our soaps give my skin a wonderful, smooth and soft feeling. I can literally see a sheen on my skin. I am so excited to say that those that have used our soaps have been very pleased. They make great gifts.

Thank you for taking the time to read this short message about SAAAR-J Soaps by Rita.

Today, this blog is to speak about the wonders of using natural soaps on one’s body. SAAAR-J Soaps by Rita(c) offers Natural Soaps. The experience of using these natural soaps have been wonderful on my skin and others who have used them. My skin is feeling very soft and smooth, because the ingredients added to the base soap are all natural. Our customer’s express their joy in using our soaps. There are some great new safe ingredients for our new soaps coming soon.  We work with Goat Milk and Shea Butter the most.

I had the experience of using store bought soaps for a long time and spent good money on them for the longest time. The store-bought soaps seem to melt away without even trying and made my skin feel a little dry. I wasn’t happy at all. Why couldn’t the soap makers provide a soap that would last a decent amount of time before it looked like something that was a little bit bigger than a quarter? Why is there so much ‘stuff’ in the commercial soaps that I couldn’t get pass, and why did the pretty soaps I really liked cost so much? They too, at times, seems to melt away quickly….so quickly. SAAAR-J Soaps(c) are made to enjoy and not concerned with them melting away after a few uses. They offer a lot of uses (depends on how the individual uses the soap on a personal level).

I love the softness of my skin and will not buy commercial soap ever again. I feel safe with SAAAR-J Soaps by Rita rather than store bought. Store bought soaps are nice, but I prefer to know what is safe for my skin. My skin is a huge organ, and it’s important to take care of it. I like the food that I eat, and I like the personal products used on my skin to feel safe on my skin. This is exactly why I started SAAAR-J Soaps. I decided to make my own soap that doesn’t have all the scary stuff that I can barely pronounce as I read the ingredients.

After all is said and done, I have been using SAAAR-J Soaps by Rita, and family, friends and others have used them also for awhile now. It makes me and those who have bought our soaps greatly experience a positively wonderful feel to our skin. The experience of others with these soaps have been awesome, as they communicate their experience to me. I can use them down to the smallest piece of soap (doubtful you would use it that small, but you might be happy to get your money’s worth). I love they don’t break apart, but will last to the point where I just have to start a new one.

SAAAR-J Soaps by Rita (c)

Rita –

HOW TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD EVEN WHEN THINGS GO AGAINST YOUR BELIEF. Are you feeling like things are going against you? In what way? Is it jobs, politics, raising a family, earning more money to be able to live better? There are so many things we become saddled with, and they become very draining. Once drained, it’s hard to build that energy and strength to see things differently.

It’s very difficult to live in a world that has so many issues that can weigh anyone down to a point of throwing up their hands.


Life changes for us practically everyday. Even when we plan something new and different, the unexpectant ……….

Source: Who Gets Credit for Constant Change?

Right or Wrong , Left or Right, Up or Down, Inside or Outside?. What is the difference? It all brings about….. Change. Who should take credit for the constant change?

Life changes practically everyday. As we plan something new and different, the unexpectant may occur out of the blue. In other words, there is nothing suspect on my radar, but changes may happen and suddenly appear without warning. What am I referring to?  Challenges! They may be temporary or forever. Challenges! Inwardly, they cause us to push ourselves to grow. Without challenges, we would pretty much stand still and never grow in knowledge or experiences. Boring! Outwardly, it may be a real struggle in meeting these challenges, which may result in big and/or small rewards and changes.

I am so upset about the world and all of its battles, challenges and misfortunes. I do not dare to expect utopia. I know there is much happening, which we must deal with in society.  The mere fact there is a deep division trying to be placed upon people of all races against one another is very sad to me. I am a true believer of GOD. We are created equal and that clearly doesn’t mean it’s the way it is.  I wonder what it will take for us to sincerely get along,  respect one another and be ‘happy for the next person’. We don’t want to be a bunch of clones, and change requires these things to happen. I love to believe, because we are all human and come in the world the same way, we would find peace with one another. A big challenge and the bigger question is….. why compete with one another over every single issue regarding life and life issues?

In society it seems to be all about what group of people is better than the other, measuring what group of people spend more money than the other when purchasing items like a home, furnishings, clothing, cars, college or who goes to the best doctor, biggest church, etc. You name it, and we challenge each other on a continuous basis. What would it take for people to just be happy for each other to achieve the positive and learn from any mistakes that are made. Life happens to us all on a day-day basis for as long as we live, who is growing and achieving anything positive in this world, on a day-day basis? That would be so awesome! Imagine how the world would change!

I’m not at all interested in making anyone change that doesn’t desire to do so. It is a burden to some and an impossibility for others. Those that want change, work hard to make it happen and live to grow in the change as well. This is to whom I am referring. There is a deep encouragement for anyone who desires to see what magnificant things may occur and lie ahead in life. However, this opportunity is open to All, as we all are created to do great things in this world. No matter your contribution, it surely matters, and thus, makes the world better and filled with ways to grow and knowledge to build upon.

Last point! Life can be like a jigsaw puzzle with moving parts. Don’t be afraid of the moving parts of change. It’s like a car with a motor, steering wheel and tires, plus all the other necessarities that are required to make a car run.  This is the perfect example of change in life. As you grow in life, expect those moving parts of your life to bring changes you may or may not welcome. However, even when unwelcomed, changes can bring a new beginning to a lifestyle that necessitates some improvement on some level. Every single person requires change to grow into something that may cause a wonderful surprise in life. Let go, and be aware there are working parts that we don’t always have control over in our life.  How did change(s) occur for you? Does anything stick out in your mind? Have the change(s) you experienced made a big difference in your day-day life/lifestyle?

Change is great. Without it, none of us would make any progress. We would be at a stand-still process and going no place fast. Maybe if there was a little robot that says we made all the changes in life that are allowed, then we would stop at a certain point and go no further. Imagine, if we were created to be a robot or a person with absolutely no desire to learn as we move ahead. It would be like being useless to yourself and/or anyone else. Using what we’ve learned to help others is the best thing we could share with another person. It’s just the thing to happen while we are in the flux of change or changing.

I am closing now. I will proceed with other things needing attention. Yet, another change in the Big Scheme of Life which causes us to experience LIFE IN CONSTANT CHANGE.  I thank GOD for the opportunity.










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